Saturday, 5 January 2013


Lucky for some, unlucky for others. Is the year 2013 really going to be your greatest year yet? I'm reading a lot people shouting off roof tops that it will be, and why wouldn't you want the new year to be better than the last?

I always like to spend the end/ beginning of the new year, recoup-orating  take  couple of days off work, have a huge de-clutter of my bedroom and my mind. Recharge my batteries and start the working year afresh. And this is exactly what I have done. after a hectic Christmas working and visiting family new Year was spent lounging in front of the telly, with the boy doing all of the above.

2012, was good to me, I got a brand new job, in a brand new career that I've always wanted to be in. Made new friends, rekindled with old one, and had an amazing holiday with some of my best friends. Which brung us all so much closer. My boyfriend and me are still going strong after 8 and half years and I can't wait to spend another year with him.

My hopes and changes for 2013? I always make the same three resolutions each year, write more, draw more and read more. You can never do enough, and each time will make you bigger and better at the skill. I want to be blogging a lot more, at least 3 times a week. Ideally I'd love to do it daily, but I just don't think I'll have the time!! Though i will try! I have a new camera and tripod, the world is my blogging oyster!

Like 99.9% of bloggers I have waaay to many clothes that just don't get worn, I need to stop spending so much of my wages on new clobber for my wardrobe. So my new motto will be 'Don't buy it, unless it looks f**king amazing' and always think of co-ordinates. So many of my clothes don't get worn cause I have nothing to wear with them, this will be a definite change! Im so bored of this issue swamping my wardrobe!

Apart from the these and the obvious other goals 'lose weight, get fit, new job' etc I'm looking forward to what 2013 will bring!

(This is a neon orange cardigan that i picked up in the river island sale yesterday. Completely obsessed with its colour! and my new fake Jeffery Campbell's!!!)

Oh, PS I also want to be blonde by the end of spring, and get out of the habit of burning myself with various hair curling items - as this morning proved!


  1. Good luck with your resolutions Hanna I also want to read more and try to be more sensible with my spending!

    Leanne @ Leanne-Marie | Beauty, fashion & lifestyle. xx

  2. Hey Hanna, lovely orange cardigan, I'm a big neon fan! I've really enjoyed reading your blog, love your collection of men's T shirts :) Thanks for visiting my blog...I'm following yours now....would you like to follow back maybe? :) x

  3. I love the cardi!!! I defo need to wear more of my waredrobe :)
    LaceyLoves x

  4. I lovee your shoes : ) and I know how irritating burns can be, I recently burnt my hand on some curling irons! so annoying. Your blog is lovely - following now. x


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