GIRL IS BACK! I can't believe where the time has gone and that it's been so long since I last blogged! I am truly sorry! Truth be told, life has got in the way a bit.
Work is CRRAA-ZZZY, I've living in and out of a suitcase for the last month, playing nurse to my boyfriend (he's broken his collar bone!), and house sitting for family. Applying for new jobs (I can't afford the £400 a month petrol bill for the current one!) working night shifts and bloody early shifts! Reading Festival (pictured above) also took over my life a bit, and in my older years - it took few days to recover - i'm told it's called festival flu! But I am back for a little bit, before I run away to Canada in 4 days time!!
So until Thursday when I disappear again! (but it won't be for along I promise!) I have plenty of blog post ideas to get your teeth stuck into! WATCH THIS SPACE!!
Sorry again for disappearing!!! It won't happen again!!!
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