Tuesday, 27 March 2012

they only thing i suck is my lipstick

I got distracted in the make up isle of  superdrug on my lunch break today.

it was 3 for 2 on Rimmel, so i just couldn't say no! I have been in love with the Kate Moss collection of Lipsticks since they came out, and have slowly treated myself to one every so often. today i brought 2, plus a lip tint pen.

the liptint pen is shade 110 'stay very berry', the pink lipstick is shade 02 and the orange is 12.

I have a strange love for orange lipstick. every since watching Audrey Hepburn but a shade on in Breakfast at Tiffany's before she leave's her empty apartment. I now own 3 or 4 of them; none of make me as beautiful as her though......

Monday, 26 March 2012

Its the summer time! well the english weather right now has us certianly excited for it. My weekend was filled with window shopping, meetings, drinking rose by the canal, planning girls holiday to Greece, gardening and catching up on some good tv sunday evening! everything right now is slowly fitting in to place.

I have been off the blogging market in the last 2 weeks, so busy at work and cramming in research for meetings i just haven't had the energy to kick my flatform shoes off in the evening, with a hot mug of brown and read all the blogs im following. Because of this i have over 1000 posts to read! so if you start getting random comments from me on posts weeks old you know why!

This week my small hometown is hosting it's very on Fashion show!! Im well excited, it seems so ridiculous that our small market town is doing this, we have approximately 7 shops worth going into and a double more charity shops (dont get me wrong i am charity shop queen!) we do however have a snazzy new topshop and h&m, new look and debenhams and i am asuming it will be these shops that will be featured in the fashion show. Im not sure what to expect or what is going on exactly, imfomation is scares; but i will be documenting it all with photo's and blog post for your sweet eyes!

until next time!

Hanna <3

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


What is the average price you'll pay for a pair of Jeans? All the below are £48 from Motel Rocks and can be found HERE. Only thing is though, which do you choose?


So, some of you may remember reading in a previous post, of my trip to Newcastle and a mention of glitterball magazine. Well this is it! my 2 days in lovely Newcastle was spent drinking wine, eating 'love hearts' and chilling on the beach for the latest issue of Glitterball Magazine!

that is moi on the cover :) you can read the latest issue by CLICKING HERE!!! It is packed with all the latest fashion, news, trends, beauty, travel, art and more. everything you see in the issue has been hand picked, photographed, written, editing, produces (unless stated) by my amazing friend Michelle Winter.
you can contact her at glitterballeditor@live.com

There is one particular article that wasnt written by Miss Michelle and that was the article 'A History of the Riot Grrrl' and that was written by me! here is a screen print of the article looks like in the magazine, but to read it in detail please click here and go to page 98, you can read more too on my music blog.

To find out more of Glitterball Magazine you can find them on....

Facebook - click here
twitter - click here
back issues - click here

Thursday, 8 March 2012

thursday's child

Since i only see my boyfriend at weekends, thursday evenings have become my 'beauty night' a chance to take a huge bubble bath, pluck my eyebrows, wear a face mask, paint my nails and get stuck in a good book. this eveing is no different, i'm also stopping to take 5 and reply to some letters that i have received from friends. I mentioned previously in a post this week about how i collect postcards from friends and family; but i also write to them too. And the the thing is the 2 friends i write too, are actually 2 of my closet friends, we live in the same town and meet up at least once a week. But we all won't to keep hold of the art of letter writing.

Sat at my desk again. My Audrey box is my treasure chest full of postcards and letter sets. i have so many lette sets it unreal, but my beautiful audrey box was a christmas present 2 years ago from my brother's girlfriend, she actually brought it from a salvage yard. The best gems are found in the most unsual places.

the photo of Audrey is taken from the film funny face. It's such a stylish film i urge you to watch it.
My offer still stands if anyone wants to become penpals! I will soon be postcard chums with miss jessica at jagsmitty It would be cool to get a little 'penpal' community going, just comment with your email address if you want to join in!

Hello Cotton

There are so many 'blog' site around these days its hard to keep up with them all and keep them all equally updated. i have seen a few blogs with 'hello cotton' buttons but the thought of having ANOTHER site to chek daily keep updated and promote pit me off completely, so i had never even looked into finding out what this 'hello cotton' is.

that was until i saw on the helloterrilowe blog, when she blog about hello cotton and explained what it was, i quickly checked it out.

it is basicly a better, easier and more managable bloglovin. It is easy to discover new blogs from various genres and blog posts, you can also see who is following you!! this annoys me so much on bloglovin! i mean why would i not want to see who is following me!??! ludicious! So i'm hooked i've set my own profile (image above) and added a button to my page. So everyone get on it!

you can follow me here!


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