At the beginning of the week I was approached by Eva from LOOKSOUP.COM inviting me to take a look at a new website for fashion lovers and influences. Like Pinterest it's all about building your own collections of all your favourite things. Currently I have 7 collections - my blog antionettevintage (which is just a collection of photos form my blog); inspiration (self explained), hair i'm killing for (pretty obvious again!) favoutite looks, because it's cool (just photo's a like), wishlist and work (photo's from work as assistant buyer/boutique manager).
this is what 'my blog' collection looks like so far.
But like facebook, twitter you get to like other people's post and collections, comment on them, add them to your own collections, and you can follow people!
You can also add any images from the web to your collections. When you sign up there is an 'add on' to download that adds a 'COLLECT' button to your internet broswer toolbar, so whenever you see something on the world wide web you want to add to your collections, to just click 'COLLECT'
here's an example of me collecting a picture of GAGA for my inspiration collection -
So i've seen a picture of gaga that i want to add, I click on the image to get a closer look, and then hit 'collect' thats on my toolbar.
the screen then changes and you click 'collect' again that appears across the image, just to be sure your collecting the right image, or if you clicked on it by mistake.
then click it again, a pop up box appears so you can add any text, and choose which collection you want to add it too.
And ta daaa! just like that it's there for all to see!
Whenever you add something from the web, it appears on the home page for all to see. Others can then 'like' it, comment on it, and if they want collect it for one of their collections. you can also share anything to facebook and twitter.
You can also upload 'looks' to the site, photo's of yourself much like LookBook. I'haven't done this yet, but this a screen shot of what it looks like when you hit the 'LOOKS' tab on the website.
Overall though, it's a really fun site that is slowly coming addictive. Like i said before, it combines all the things you love from other sites and puts them in one place!
So the site is and my page is antoinettevintage so go and check out and follow me if you like it!