I haven’t been clothes shopping for months. Money is tight and I am trying to save for a deposit on a house. And if you are doing the same thing you will understand how difficult that is. Saying this however that all changed yesterday. My best friend called me at lunch wanting me to escort her to the retail park to buy a birthday present for someone. This went well, too well in fact; and I actually broke out my purse to buy some jewellery. I fell for this freedom from topshop neck lace just £5 with my initial. They also had the necklace in red and green, but blue is my favourite so it suited me to a T. I today though, have been itching to go back and buy a ‘C’ for my boyfriends initial. Corny maybe but we have been together nearly 8 years and it’s better that getting a tattoo , so I think I can allow myself this corny romantic gesture.

I have a thing for these rope bracelets too, and found one in miss selfridge, with 4 beads ‘L.O.V.E.’ mine! but I didn’t stop there on walking out of the store we passed stand of Burton jewellery, and my eye’s light up like a firework when I found this religious bracelet. For some reason I brought I choose to get it in brown, they also had it in blue, red and white.
my camera wont pick the religous braclet very well but this is what it looks like online.
But I have been thinking of it all day and I want it in red to! So bored – lunch break at work I had a look on the Burton website. Not only did I discover that they have 30% of everything today but also I quite fancy some of the other men’s jewellery in my collection. I really like the star rings and cross earrings.
www.burton.co.uk all under a fiver, the cross earrings do come in other clothes and as I said they have 30% off today so what you waiting for!!
My small shopping splurge didn’t stop there though. We went via tesco’s to get some cheap make up and got distracted by their, own F&F clothes. I have been wanting an alternative to my ballet pumps for a while, they are ugly and because I have size 8 feet I look like a crap clown. And in tesco I succeeded and brought these patent black loafers, just £14!! £14 for a pair for shoes absolute bargain!
And that was the end of my shopping I spent £28 and brought four things! I know a bargain when I see them!
I am taking my Egyptian obsession to the next level. And I have made the session, this year’s Halloween costume is Queen Cleopatra! I am currently watching Elizabeth Taylor and Cleopatra which is true eye candy and idea’s and streaming in my head. I’m experimenting on make already too! This is going to be so much fun. I need to raid charity shops for the perfect dress!
Since my little excursion yesterday I have been a online window shopping whore today. And I have found the most beautiful dress in the most unusual place.
Yes that is Ferene Cotton and this £79 dress is from her latest collection for www.Very.com I admit I am not a Ferene Cotton fan, I don’t like her radio show and I don’t admire her style. But this dress is truly beautiful, but at £79 it is not something I can really buy for no reason. I did speak to my mom and suggested I could buy it as an investment, that in hope one day I will have a reason to wear it. But she told me that was stupid. ‘Investment’ I have never understood that word people use it in reference to clothes and fashion, who buys clothes as an investment?! Well it definitely won’t be me any time soon as £79 is too much for a ‘just in case’ dress.